About karma

Hello, guys. Several days ago, I ever told about karma. Exactly, I shared anyone's experience. Today, I will share my own experience.

The story begins at 2013.

Here the story is. Check this out.

As you have known, I have an obsession to work as professional writer. So, since 2012, I actively sent some manuscripts to lot of media/publisher. I'm not a picky. Whatever of the publisher, I kept on sending to there. I didn't look at the the track record.

In the other side, in June (Or Jule, maybe. I didn't remember very clearly), I visited my goodreads account. I browsed randomly. And it made me to have obligation to comment on the one of the post. I commented a review from an account.

A month later, I tried to send manuscripts to few publishers. One of them was Syrop (not real name). For shortening story, next week, I received a reply. That's from Syrop. They said that they had already rejected my manuscript. The reason was so silly -- in my humble opinion. Because their reason is.... "we don't receive the manuscript again." What the hello kitty! If they hadn't, they had better not set up the information that they would give a chance for publishing an opus of a writer. And they don't make an information about that. Frankly, I sent to Syrop by their ads on their website. But I knew Syrop from one of their book which I saw at bookstore.

Time so flew...

In 2014, May, I accidentally opened my goodreads again. In fact, I had a purpose. I had to visit the account for the update of my Facebook friend. Thus, I got interested to see the notification. Then, I just awaked that I had made a blunder. And... Ta-ra! Just knew, the  owner of the review where I had given the comment is a novelist; and she works in Syrop. Quite famous, if you love to read Indonesian novels. And, how crazy I am, I had ever read her novels (But I read in the flash. I hadn't accomplished reading the novel).

Wow, guys! I am so brave indeed. I had a gut to debate a famous Indonesian novelist. Speaking of which, my comment -- in there -- was listened so impolite and cocky.  

The conclusion is...... be aware of your words. Karma is watching you. And it can be a boomerang for you someday. It can be an obstacle for the anything that you're involved in either. Be careful!

Get a karma is so hurt, you know. Ha-ha-ha!


  1. Wah, kalau menurut saya sih nyantai aja, Mas. Nggak perlu takut dalam mengkritik seseorang (termasuk penulis novel best seller sekalipun), sejauh kritik itu memang membangun dan disampaikan dengan cara yg baik, hehe....

    1. Iya sih, benar juga. Mungkin perlu belajar untuk menyampaikan kritik dengan cara yang lebih baik lagi. Thank.

    2. haha setuju juga sama komen di atas gue mas. selama kritikan membangun kena enggak?
      tapi mungkin emang harus diperhalus bahasanya hhe

  2. Hmm, kira-kira penerbit mana, ya? Hihi. Btw, Nuel, terus semangat dalam menulis, ya! :)

  3. I Believe about Karma. 'Coz I was got karma. Hehehehehe...

  4. That's why i'm not really into something like judging, criticizing e-t-c other's writing.
    Penulis zaman sekarang gampang sensitif kalo karya nya (yang menurutnya bagus) dikomentarin jelek.

    This post answered my question (in my mind) about your instagram updates recently.
    Don't give up bang nu-el~
    Keep flaming

    1. Hahaha.... Iya juga sih. Makanya ada juga ungkapan writers are loner. Ga punya teman karena saking sensitif nya

    2. Well, maybe I'm one of some exceptions ;)))

    3. Hahaha... Tapi maaf lho ya, ini bukan komentar apa2, menurutku -- penulis itu memang harus sensitif. Soalnya ide cerita kan bisa darimana saja. Nah itu dia, karena terlalu menggunakan kesensitivitasannya, jadi sulit terima kritik yang padahal membangun. Hehehe. Itu sih yang kulihat selama ini. =D

  5. Aku juga banyak diajak debat, apalagi sama pemilik cafe yang aku review makanannya.. Wkwkwk.. :D Tapi kan kita mengkritik karena objektif ya Bang, bukan subjektif. Jadinya ngga ada unsur nepotisme gitu. Jangan takut buat kritik ah, selagi yang kita sampaikan juga bener sih ^^

    1. Iya sih benar itu.... Tapi sih gue cuma takut karmanya aja. Hahaha.... Profesi yang gue jalani maksa gue harus terus berada dalam kesunyian dan terus mengamati.

  6. Ah saya suka ngomen kritik di Goodreads nih.

  7. Belum pernah sih coba kritik di goodreads. Kritik itu menurut gw pribadi justru bagus untuk perkembangan diri kita. Yang di kritik juga harus mau di kritik sih tapi, kalo gak ya pasti debat hebat.. haha..

  8. menurut saya kritik itu bagus untuk membangun, jd tdk usah sungkan2 untuk memberikan kritik

    1. Tapi seringkali ada juga kritik yang di dalamnya ada unsur kebencian dan kecemburuan... =D

  9. saya sih belum nyoba, tapi kayanya bagus juga karna kritik kan untuk membangun

  10. Rada sulit-sulit gimana gitu nyari temen, iya?

  11. mahasiswa zaman sekarang takut mengkritik, bisanya merusak....


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